Thursday, December 8, 2011

I'M BACK...with an exciting story to tell!

Today is my birthday, so I thought it was a fitting day to jump back into the blog world!

It’s been several months since my last blog post…maybe you’ve guessed the reason. Not even a month after I started this blog to document our trying to conceive journey, I got my BFP!! Needless to say, I think I’m going to have to think of a new blog name because now this is our all-things-baby blog.

The day after my last post on September 25, I got a positive pregnancy test…actually 3 of them! The whirlwind of emotions I felt that morning were crazy! I was in shock. I was overwhelmed, excited, scared, excited, nervous, excited…you get the idea. =] 

Of course, I couldn’t wait to tell the Hubby, unfortunately, he had already left for work. I spent the rest of the day debating whether or not to call and tell him or wait till he got home and tell him in person. I’m an extremely impatient person so it killed me to keep it to myself all day, but I managed. I went to the doctor that afternoon for a blood test to confirm, then stopped and got Hubby a few presents to give him when he got home.

I wrapped up a few University of Kentucky (Hubby’s alma mater and favorite team) onesies and one of the positive tests and waited as patiently as possible for Hubs to get home. He was late, of course. 5 mins…10 mins…15 mins. I was going crazy! Finally, I heard him pull into the garage and I could barely contain myself. I badgered him as soon as he walked in the door wanting to know what took so long. He was proactive and knew we were low on cat food so decided to stop and get some on his way…I couldn’t be mad about that.

Hubby’s birthday was November 28 so I told him I had a really early birthday present for him, but he had to open it now because it’s time sensitive. His first thought…UK football tickets! Boy was he wrong. =]  Now, if you don’t know Hubby, you don’t know that he doesn’t do “excited”. At least not according to my standards – I’m the jump up and down and scream kind of person. However, he was completely in surprised – finding out he is going to be a daddy is not what he was expecting to see in that box. He kept asking, “are you really, really sure?” “It’s not just a fluke, right?” I had to keep reassuring him that it was, in fact, true and he really was going to be a daddy in 2012!

Stay tuned for more posts describing the next two months of complete elation…and misery!