Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Baby Bug

For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to be a mother. I always helped in the nursery at church so I could “play with the babies”. I have tons of cousins younger than me. When I was 14, my aunt and uncle (who actually lived in the same city as us) had their first baby. My sisters and I were instantly a babysitting trio. We would volunteer constantly to babysit so we could keep our cousin. Within 5 years, we had three young cousins to babysit. I. Loved. It.

My Hubby loves kids…and acts like one half of the time. But he is also very responsible. He will make such a wonderful baby daddy! His childhood was very different than mine in some respects. He is the baby of his family and the youngest of all his cousins. He never had any younger family member to take care of or play with. Plus, his dad was 42 when he was born! The idea of waiting to have kids his mid-30’s didn’t bother him at all!

Growing up, I always wanted to be a young, stay-at-home mom. That was my hope for the future. Though, I didn’t realize I would be so far into my 20’s before I got the chance to try. It seems to be a theme in my family to have all your babies before you turn 25. So, needless to say, the fact that I didn’t even get married until I was 25, really weighed on my mind. As soon as Hubby proposed, I started daydreaming about our future together…including visions of chubby-cheeked little baby bundles with Hubby’s eyes and my nose.

As soon as we were married, I wanted to start trying to conceive. But, my very reasonable, practical Hubby convinced me we needed some time to just enjoy each other and our time together before we grew our family. Finally! After trying to change his mind for nearly 2 years, he randomly mentioned one day in January 2011 that I should stop taking my birth control pills when the month was up. Oh boy did I jump on that!!

I stopped my birth control the end of January and used other methods of protection for another month or so. We officially started trying in March 2011 – just in time for our 2nd wedding anniversary!

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