Thursday, September 22, 2011

TTC Acronyms

I thought before I started getting too far into my (potentially descriptive) posts, I should give you a quick run down of the various acronyms we TTCers use on a daily basis.

TTC – trying to conceive
DH – Dear Husband
PNV – prenatal vitamin

BD – Baby Dance (you know, the fun part)
DTD – Did/Doing the Deed (again, the fun part)

OPK – Ovulation Predictor Kit
HPT – pregnancy test
IC – Internet cheapie (hpt or opk test)
FRER – First Response, Early Result (type of HPT)

AF – Aunt Flo (aka: the yucky part of your cycle)
CD – calendar/cycle day
O – Ovulation, ovulating, ovulated, etc
DPO – days past ovulation
TWW or 2WW – two week wait (the time from ovulation to the start of your next period, mine is consistently 13-14 days each month, average is 12-16 days.)
LP – Luteal Phase (the technical name for the tww)

CM – cervical mucus (gross!)
EWCM – egg white cervical mucus (the really good stuff that you should get when you are ovulating)
BBT – basal body temp (waking temp each morning – if you monitor it closely, you can use this to tell when you have ovulated)
FF – Fertility Friend (FREE website/iphone app you can use to track your BBT and other TTC info)

FMU – first morning urine (used for an hpt test)
POAS – Pee on a stick! (for an hpt or an opk)
BFN/BFP – Big Fat Negative/Positive (in reference to an hpt or opk)
EDD – estimated due date

PG – pregnant (this is our goal, people!)

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