Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Welcome to my blog!! My name is Mrs. A (I'm trying to remain somewhat anonymous) and I'm brand new to the blog world. I love following blogs, but I'm not very technologically savvy, so this will be a learning process.

I created this blog as a way to share my feelings and frustrations in our journey trying to conceive our first little bundle of joy. I love my hubby so much and he's so supportive, but I think sometimes he doesn't know what to say to make me feel better. So, I decided to share my experiences big, wide world of bloggers!

I am 27 and my hubby is 32, we have been married for 2 and a half years and we are on our 7th cycle trying to conceive. I was one of those foolish women who was convinced that it would only take us 2-3 months to conceive. Boy, was I wrong! I have a feeling I'll be sharing things that are a bit overly personal - I'm warning you now! Readers beware!

My first few posts will give you some background on our TTC exploits - it's been an emotional roller coaster!! Hopefully sharing my experiences with the blog world will help to relieve some of the stress of the process. Welcome to my world!!

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